Obsessed with good whodunits and amateur sleuths always digging their own graves, Laurie Alberswerth is a mystery author, senior community educator/entertainer (edu-tainer, thank you very much), and a degreed engineer. She's given up convincing the left and right halves of her brain to stay on their own sides of the fence, and lets her imagination deal with the fallout.It's best for everyone.

Are you friendly with Jessica Fletcher? Besties with Father Brown? Mad about Midsomer Murders?

A new cozy series awaits!

The Jude & Audie West Mysteries

...where the roots of the family tree hold more blood than water.

Book cover for Bones & Bloodlines, 1st in the Jude and Audie West Mysteries. Shows a skull beneath a black tree, 5 ghostly portraits hanging in the branches.
Book cover for Bones & Bloodlines, 1st in the Jude and Audie West Mysteries. Shows a skull beneath a black tree, 5 ghostly portraits hanging in the branches.

Jude, Audie, and their red-and-white camper explore Missouri and beyond, helping clients solve their family tree mysteries.(Myste-trees? Hmm. Jude's writing that down.)A great-great-uncle vanished like D. B. Cooper? No problem. A paternal grandmother collected husbands like postage stamps? Bring it on.Now, if only the Wests could stop finding bodies
outside of the graveyard...

Books! Books! Books!

Why hire West Genealogy?

They know where
the bodies are buried.

And if they don't, they'll dig until they hit pay dirt–or the top of a coffin. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.) But can Audie and Jude bring the truth to light without disturbing closets full of carefully-hidden skeletons?

The Wests better watch their step. Tripping over these tangled roots could land them with the long-lost ancestors – six feet under.

Book cover for Bones & Bloodlines, 1st in the Jude and Audie West Mysteries. Shows a skull beneath a black tree, 5 ghostly portraits hanging in the branches.

Bones & Bloodlines

Released May 16, 2023

Two mysteries, 160 years apart.

A tiny cemetery, hidden by Missouri cornfields, was supposed to put the nail in the coffin for West Genealogy's client. But finding the 1861 resting place of Elise Durand only added more questions to the family tree search... along with an extra body.

Book cover for Grain & Gravestones, 2nd in the Jude and Audie West Mysteries. Same as Book 1's cover except for color, final cover is in work.

Grain & Gravestones

Released Oct 10, 2023

In 1855, Goodwin Mill became an overnight powerhouse. But this year, does it grind up more than wheat?

Many strange things happen at 2 a.m. – just ask Audie West. But when her personal demons clash with the hunt for a client's eccentric third-great-granduncle, there's more than the usual trouble at the mill.

Book cover for Kin & Curses, 3rd in the Jude and Audie West Mysteries. Same as Book 1's cover except for color, final cover is in work.

Kin &

Coming Soon!

Official cover is in the works.Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to get details on the book's launch!

In 1866, Sterling Olsen's family suffered more plagues than Job. They also had it coming.

Hatchet Bend, Missouri, has secrets deeper than the farm fields surrounding it. One man's attempt at atoning for family sins seemed like a good idea. But what's that saying about
good intentions and paths to, well...?
With their friend and fellow genealogist lying dead at the bottom of a staircase, Jude and Audie are dragged into a ring of strangers and lies. If they take up where their friend left off–and with a fortune up for grabs–will they, too, fall victim to the Olsen curse?

Laurie Alberswerth, author

Meet the Author

Laurie Alberswerth was certain “ENG” stood for English, not Engineering, when she checked the box for a college major. Funny story. Yet somehow, the writing bug survived four years of heat transfer and machine design, followed by a two-decade career as a Mechanical Stress Analyst.That bug, like the cockroach,
could survive a nuclear war.
A St. Louis native, the days and nights spent at Missouri state parks were fuel to the campfire when setting Jude and Audie West on their mystery-solving adventure. And who knew the Family Tree workbook purchased for husband Michael (the first anniversary gift is paper?) would lead to so much time spent in libraries and courthouses, fighting with more microfilm than all the spies at MI6?Laurie’s own heritage—Lithuanian, Slovakian, and German—is a source of deep-rooted traditions and soul-satisfying (if not heart-healthy) food. She may or may not have two great-great-grandmothers who may or may not have independently hidden the body of a husband in the dirt floor of a basement.But it’s okay: they were bad guys.

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give the most AWESOME kind of goosebumps.

Cartoony graphic of letter to author, ransom-note style